This blog is now the place where I will share images about my home 'renovation' journey - basically all cosmetic re-do...but this will avoid clogging my art blog with the home pics. As always, my art can be seen on my website:, and also on my art blog:
I may also include a few other ramblings as the mood strikes.
Have paint, will travel...
Oh, the joys of Fall, with grandchildren!
The colors today make me happy!
Plenty to be thankful for...
Please enjoy our October time garden ,
After the full moon....
I know the full moon was last night, and this is an older AB spread, but I feel like putting it up anyway.
A mini - book...
This little one is 1.5" wide by 1/75" tall, excluding the toothpick hinges.
Compose yourself....
The other images are at
this link.
A Southwest flavor this time...
Remembrances of things past...
My memory triggered by another's is mine..(thanks, Tina! :^)
one more for the road - for today, that is...
Today's offering....
more books can be seen
another piano hinge book...
The Fourth calendar spread added.....
...and an altered calendar spread to end the week...
" There are days when my left brain doesn't know what my right brain is doing."
Lime 'N' Yellow Glitz-Oh! (tm)
Silver 'N' Ice Glitz-Oh!'s (tm)
Aqua/Lime to ring out the day...
The rest of the images are
here. This little book is 3.5" square.
In the Pink!
My little book for the can see the rest of it
The Little Journal for today....
another for this afternoon
You can see more images of this book
A Book A Day.....
You can see other images of this book